Kim Rexen is Aquagain’s newest chief fitter, who started with us on 1 February, has got off to a great start with a fan installation on a project in Assens.
Kim is 42-years-old and his background was originally in the HVAC industry, but many years of experience as a fitter at various companies have equipped him for the job as chief fitter at Aquagain, where he works on projects in our core areas of wastewater, sludge, drinking water, biogas and industry.
Kim and the family moved to Fanø 7 years ago to be closer to his wife’s family. His two girls, soon to be 15 and 12, go to school there, and island life suits him surprisingly well.
Besides spending much of his free time with his family, Kim and his wife enjoy going to concerts and festivals, where Fanø Vesterland Festival and Copenhell are a couple of them.
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