
Kolding's Sewer Network:
From Vision to Reality with 2100 Liters/Second

For some time now, in collaboration with TC Anlæg and Rambøll, we've been constructing a new pumping station for Blue Kolding, which is developing, enhancing, and climate-proofing the Kolding area's sewer system to ensure a healthier water environment and a more sustainable future.

The project involves the establishment of a robust pump station in Kolding Åpark and an accompanying pressure pipeline to the central treatment plant in Agtrup. With these measures, a significant reduction in overflows into Kolding Fjord is expected, which is crucial for the area's ecosystem.

These initiatives are not just reactive but proactive steps toward climate resilience, especially considering the increasing rainfall amounts that the infrastructure needs to handle.

Overwhelming dimensions

The capacity of the sewer system is significantly increased from 1100 liters per second to 2100 liters per second in a DN600 pipeline system.

The dimensions of this project are simply impressive. It has also posed space challenges; for example, the manifold had to be placed all the way up to the ceiling, which presented significant challenges in getting it lifted into place. We had to employ a somewhat unconventional solution - namely, drilling through the floor so that the manifold could be lifted in from the ground floor. Despite the unconventional, or with a nicer word, innovative, solution, we successfully tackled the challenge to everyone's satisfaction.

Even though we encountered challenges along the way, such as strong vibrations requiring bracing, and we had to adapt and find solutions on the fly, the team approached each challenge with decisiveness and technically strong solutions.

The technical execution of the pipe construction for the pump system meets strict European and international standards. Naturally, we have professionals and certified welders on the project, who, as usual, work with tested WPS's, ensuring high quality and compliance with all necessary procedures. We use C&P Inspection to oversee the process, ensuring that all requirements for quality, safety, and environmental compliance are met to the letter.

Thanks to BlueKolding and our partners, for their strong contribution to this project. Together, we are creating a sustainable future.

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